Re: Change Agents LO773

Keith Cowan (
Thu, 13 Apr 1995 20:15:13 -0400 (EDT)

Replying to LO721 --

> How to respond to these remarks? I think the Change Agent works with
> high-level executives until a well-articulated CONTEXT statement is formed
> which, modified by reviews and comments of many, ultimately becomes the
> umbrella for change. After that is done, and only after that is done,
> wide participation is solicited to take part in a PROCESS which is
> furnished by the Change Agent, the only organizational involvement being
> in assisting with details required to fill out the PROCESS. The Change
> Agent's role is to administer the PROCESS. The organizational people's
> role is to provide the CONTENT.

This is a very succinct statement of the effective change agent. I would
amplify the context statement by emphasizing that it is merely reaping
what is already there. Any attempt to introduce the new will be treated
like cancer unless there are sufficient corporate "drugs" applied to
prevent rejection. This is a very effective formula whch I have used
repeatedly! Thanks for such a net statement.

Keith Cowan       Phone: (416)565-6253           FAX: (905)858-7131
Toronto        Internet:  Compuserve: 72212,51