Goldratt LO380

Fri, 10 Mar 95 08:55:25 PST

*** Reply to note of 03/09/95 20:04 Intro -- Bob Faw LO372

Would we find Goldratt's books ( I've read the Goal) in our local bookstore.
I for one would like to hear more about his approaches, as examples of
systems thinking tools for the Learning Organization.

I know Goldratt ( & Co.) have been around for years and have gone though
some changes. What has been learned? Does anyone know if Senge and Goldratt
have collaborated or exchanged views?

Tim J. Sullivan
Ministry of Health
From: "Tim Sullivan" <TJSULLIV@BCSC02.GOV.BC.CA>

Host's Note: I've heard a rumor about a simulation game modeled after an
exercise that Alex Rogo did with the boy-scouts in _The Goal_... An
exercise involving pebbles.

I'll write a note about it which I learn more. In the meantime, has
anyone else heard about this exercise. It is presumably meant to convey
some of Goldratt's principles in an experiential way.

-- Rick Karash,, host for learning-org