Re: Self-organized Learning LO302

Michael McMaster (
Thu, 02 Mar 1995 21:32:51 GMT

Replying to LO279 --

Home run! When we get that its all manipulation, we can be free to invent
something that takes off from the Boulding model presented.

That is, if the last step of his model is

> -> integrative - where you and I do something together because of what we
> both want to accomplish

Then I'd be satisfied to reach it. But I'd be delighted if we got to

-> generative - where you and I do something together because it will
accomplish something that neither of us thought of before we got together.

Mike McMaster      <>
    "Postmodern society is the society of computers, information, scientific
knowledge, advanced technology, and rapid change due to new advances in
science and technology."          Postmodern Theory, Best & Kellner