Complexity conferences - San Francisco, London LO250

Michael McMaster (
Sun, 26 Feb 1995 08:23:17 GMT

Announcing conferences jointly sponsored by the Santa Fe Institute (SFI)
and myself (and associates, including Howard Sherman, my mentor in
philosophy mentioned in earlier communications who has made postmodern
approaches simple)

COMPLEXITY AND STRATEGY: The Intelligent Organisation

Extraordinary research over the last decade in the emerging sciences of
complexity has profound implications for organisations. Two conferences in
1995 will explore these implications. Presenters include some of the
world's leaders in the new sciences of complexity, including:

W. Brian Arthur (SFI) Robert Axelrod (UM) John Seely Brown (Xerox)
Michael Cohen (SFI) Mary Cirillo (Citicorp) Colin Crook (Citicorp)
Murray Gell-Mann (SFI) Arie de Geus (ex-Shell, LBS) Gary Hamel (LBS)
John Holland (SFI) Stuart Kauffman (SFI) Monib Khademi (Praxis)
David Lane (SFI) Chris Langton (SFI) Mike McMaster (Praxis)
Howard Sherman (Praxis) Ralph Stacey (UHert) Francisco Varela (Ecole

This conference will explore complexity, strategy and organisational design
from the perspective of an organisation's ability to learn, adapt and

March 29, 30, 31 1995 May 15, 16, 17 1995
Mark Hopkins Hotel Queen Elisabeth II Conference Centre
US$ 3,000 =A3 2,500
(academic disconts available)
contact directly if interested (do not respond to learning-org list)

phone: (505)466-4400 +44 (0) 1628-486181
or (800)771-4770
FAX: (505)466-4012 +44 (0) 1628-486287

Mike McMaster      <>
       "Postmodern society is the society of computers, information, 
scientific knowledge, advanced technology, and rapid change due to new 
advances in science and technology."  Postmodern Theory, Best & Kellner