Re: Intro -- Diane Weston LO231

Dr. Ivan Blanco (BLANCO@BU4090.BARRY.EDU)
Fri, 24 Feb 1995 17:15:44 -0500 (EST)

Replying to LO162

> Date: Sat, 18 Feb 1995 17:32:30 -0500
> From: (Mariann Jelinek)
> Replying to LO131:
> <<<<<< some deleted stuff here >>>>>
> First, we observed that traditional org. theory was
> essentially predicated as if there were no people - when, discernibly,
> it's people that make up the organization.

In the academic world, management exists only as processes, and
they don't include people. We talk about people, but we don't really
study people as they live and experience organizations. If you take any
class in management (and I have recommeded some people to take Human
Resorces Management class to feel what I am saying), you will notice how
dry and empty it is. I observed this almost immediately, after being in
the outside world for many years, when I walked into a series of courses
where these people speaking to me where totally unaware of how we
experience, live, develop models of our organziations, modify those models
through our interaccions with others, etc. These things are not generally
included in textbooks. I am a professor of management, and it used to be
very boring to me when I taugh classes according to textbook!

> Next, we found substantial
> changes taking place in real organizations as people struggled with
> structures that didn't serve them, didn't assist them in accomplishing
> useful goals, and indeed mostly got in the way. What they did instead was
> to focus on solving problems and identifying means to make themselves into
> what we called "Real Time Organizations." A key element: they learned as
> they went, and they sought deliberately to capture and share their
> learning. Furthermore, those who learned were "everybody," not just senior
> managers. Finally, what enabled people to do this, and to coordinate their
> activities over time and space, were shared cognitions: thoughts in synch,
> brought into consonance and repeatedly refreshed in that harmony by some
> traditional managerial tools (used in a distinctively NONtraditional
> fashion).

David Fearon and I are working on this area too, although we are
just writing about it based on our many years of experience in both the
business world, and the world of teaching business. We are presenting the
notion that "organizations have a better chance in life" when they
recognize that every member is learning, managing, developing a model of
the organization, and transforming or adjusting her/his model during the
multiple interactions with other members. We discuss what we call the
"managerial mind" that all members have, and the "all-member management"
approach which results when all those managerial minds are put to use!

> <<<<< other deletions here >>>>


R. IVAN BLANCO, Ph.D. Voice 305 899-3515
Assoc. Prof. & Director Fax 305 892-6412
International Business Programs
Andreas School of Business _________E-Mail Addresses________
Barry University Bitnet: Blanco%bu4090@Barryu
Miami Shores, FL 33161-6695 Internet:
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