Re: Training Models and Planning Models LO226

Terry Schumacher (
Fri, 24 Feb 1995 16:09:22 +0100

Bill Fulkerson <> wrote in LO200:

>I would like to start a thread on models. In particular, what experience
>have you had in creating both planning models as well as training models?

My dissertation addressed the issues of design & effectiveness of a
training simulation in a corporate setting. ("Simulation Design, Role
Identification and Attitude Change in a High Technology Culture", 1992)
The goal was to define a frame of reference that senior management
believed was 'effective' (the model validation question) and that
participants who played the simulation would learn. This would be a means
of developing what could be termed, 'shared awareness', or an
'organizational culture' or 'common frame of reference' or a 'corporate

There are many _many_ design issues to consider:
play in team or as individuals ?
computer based or not?
competition or cooperation style?
play in rounds or 'scenario style'
incentives / punishments or not, if so, how much?
time pressure or let them wander (ala MYST) ?
include player role descriptions or no role play involved?

(I think I better not get started, here. Its bringing up some memories...)

I had a 1 day-long training class given as one of the constraints from the
organization. (In contrast Senge talks of workshops that are several days
long in discussing "microworlds".) I selected a team size of 4 and
competition with other teams in the class (sizes of 12- 24). Each
participant made decisions alone as they were presented with options by
their computer. Participants had limited communication via computer
(networked MACs) and met in small groups to discuss their findings &
strategies every 30 min or so.

Pre & post simulation questionnaires measured significant attitude change
in each of 3 treatment groups (total N = 120), no change in a control
group (N=41)

Having been through the process once (I definitely used a trail & error
approach and considered hundreds of question like those above), I estimate
it would now take me 6-12 months to develop another such model. The result
was a well integrated training package (model & support materials) and
sharing that model with others is simply holding the appropirate number of

If you have specific questions I can comment.

I am interested in other experiences and anecdotal information that
members of the list have.


TR Schumacher
European Computer-Industry Research Centre
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D-81925 Munich Germany

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