Re: Senge Telecasts and one-day events LO184

Tobin Quereau (
Tue, 21 Feb 1995 11:57:19 -0600 (CST)

Replying to LO167 --

Unless I am mistaken, I believe the telecast for the Senge workshop is on
March _9_, not March 7. The two day difference may be more than even our
advanced technology can adjust for and still make it a "live" conference.
Let me know for sure if I have this wrong!

Host's Note: My information says it's March *9th*

I have also seen the Personal Mastery video from Charthouse Films. I am
very impressed with their work with Joel Barker, and I think the link with
Senge has good potential. My problem with the first release is that it is
too short overall to communicate what viewers may need if they haven't
read Senge and others already. I suggested to them that they lengthen the
video and bring Senge back in at the end to introduce a couple of
vingettes illustrating how the concept of personal mastery has impacted
specific people in their work and personal life. In my mind it would help
to translate the example of the Stradivarius into contemporary cortorate
or other organizational settings. It would also give Senge a bit more
coverage in what is publicized as a video series on "his" work.

The folks at Charthouse are very receptive to input, so I encourage anyone
else who sees the video to let them know their reactions.

Tobin Quereau
Austin Community College

On Sun, 19 Feb 1995 wrote:

> Replying to LO144:
> Rick, thanks for posting the info regarding Senge broadcasts and public
> appearances. In my role as team leader of CCI's Learning Organization SIG, I
> have arranged for the Council for Continuous Improvement to buy the
> videoconference series. The sessions are open to all member organizations of
> CCI, but I believe the site for the March 7 downlink is quite capacious. If
> anyone on this list is located in the Silicon Valley region, and would like
> access to the broadcast, let me know here and I will try to arrange it. I
> believe the actual site for March 7 is in San Jose. I'll check and re-post
> next week.
> On a similar note, Chart House has begun production of a series of videos
> "illustrating" the five disciplines. I have seen the video on "Personal
> Mastery" which is quite good. My understanding is that they are about to
> release "Team Learning" and the other three will be released over the next
> year, about 3 months apart. Does anyone here have more information than that?
> Anybody else seen "Personal Mastery" and care to comment?
> --
> Jack Hirschfeld I like a Gershwin tune, how about you?