Re: Speed, Technology, Progress LO106

Barton Stanley (
Tue, 14 Feb 1995 11:04:47 -0600


I'm not too familiar with Planck, and I hate to "beat a dead horse", but
when I saw the following in LO91:

>Our host wrote in LO82
>> Host's Note: The version that I've heard is, "How does science move
>> to the next generation of theory? ... When the old generation of
>> scientists have all died!"
>The quote you seek is:
>A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents
>and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents
>eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it.
> Max Planck
>Norman Frank

I checked my handy-dandy _Bartlett's Familiar Quotations_, and found:

An important scientific innovation rarely makes its way by
gradually winning over and converting its opponents: it rarely
happens that Saul becomes Paul. What does happen is that its
opponents gradually die out and that the growing generation is
familiarized with the idea from the beginning.

Max Planck _The Philosophy of Physics_, 1936

Barton Stanley
11441 Oak #101
Kansas City, MO 64114-6035
Host's Note: Thanks Barton. OK, now we've got it! Sorry to have messed it
up so badly in the first instance!