I would suggest that managers need to 'reframe' their views
of employees if they are to encourage a learning environment, that is a
workplace that empowers indivuduals to be innovative, risk taking and free
Richard Winter
Monash University (Victoria)
Recently I have been exploring theoretical materials. The focus I find
is on management learning, and applying the postmodern organizational
analysis to concepts. I haven't yet read the materials closely, but the
focus does not seem to be on the implications for "manager's views of
employees. Does anyone have specific references to such work?
The journals that are exploring postmodern perspectives , that I have
found are:
International Studies of Management and Organization - vol. 22., no. 2/3,
Journal of Organizational Change Management (UK) - vol 5, no. 1,2 - 1992
Organization Studies - vol 13, no 1,2, 1992.
Thanks for the question Richard
HT - e-mail htiessen@oise.on.ca