Malcolm Knowles on HRD Video LO51

Timothy Hatcher (
Thu, 9 Feb 1995 16:18:18 -0600 (CST)

Host's Note: Timothy is forwarding a note from another mailing list.
Apparently, *flaming* is possible on that list. Of course, it wouldn't
happen here on learning-org!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 9 Feb 1995 16:13:13 -0600 (CST)
From: Timothy Hatcher <thatcher@comp>
Subject: Malcolm Knowles on HRD

Before you FLAME, I ran this advertisement by Passmore (list manager).
It meets all listserve requirements. Advertiser is a not-for-profit

"Malcolm Knowles on Human Resource Development", is a 50
minute VHS videotape interview with Dr. Malcolm Knowles, the
"Father of Adult Education", developer of the concept of
andragogy-the art and science of helping adults learn, and
member of the HRD Hall of Fame.
Topics include Self-Directed Learning in the Workplace,
Diversity Management, Andragogy on the Job, and Learning
The University of Arkansas Department of Vocational and Adult
Education is making this outstanding (and inexpensive)
contribution to the field of HRD and Adult Education available
to practitioners and professionals for a limited time.

Ordering Information:
Phone: 501-575-5710
FAX: 501-575-7232
MAIL Order To: Media Services Dept
#2 University Center
Fayetteville, AR 72701

COST: $99.95 including shipping and handling.

Posted to Learning-org by: Timothy Hatcher <>