> I would like to say that the statement "... we only evolve when we are
> ready to." may not be totally accurate. We change and evolve, even
> when we don't want to, or are not ready for.
Hi....this implies a conscious readiness; the readiness that I think I
mean is the one that occurs as a result of several kinds of evolution:
biological, genetic, cultural, intellectual, emotional all working
together to create the manifistation of the evolution. I believe it is
the Native Americal cultures that say it better than I....."we begin when
we are ready and end when we are through". That "readiness" may be
brought about by a whole host of influences - a large percentage of which
we are not consciously aware. What do you think?
I think the organism adapts; doesn't it? Therefore the evolution or
change is neither good or bad - it is the adaptation to a situation which
tends towards a resultant value of good or bad. So?????
> Let me use an extreme example. The natives in the Amazon are not changing
> or evolving as the rest of the world is. But becuase they have not
> changed, and they haven't even been concerned with that change, "they are
> farther away" from us in terms of evolution. The more they wait to change
> or evolve, they farther they will be from us, which represent a change in
> their position relative to other humans. This is a negative change!
Well,,,,,maybe not. How do we know it is negative; if we were
looping this story we are telling into a systemic think; how
would it look? Thand you for your wonderful thoughts. Have a
Host's Note: I reformatted this to distinguish between Ivan's message and
Myrna's reply. My apologies if I mis-attributed any of their words.
-- Rick Karash, rkarash@world.std.com, host for learning-org