Intro -- Joe Podolsky LO34
Tue, 7 Feb 95 08:43:00 -0800

I am the Planning and Quality Manager in a large companywide information
systems department at the Hewlett-Packard. I am a long time member of
both the information systems and quality communities at HP. Recently, I
attend the five day Core Course put on by MIT's Organizational Learning
Center, and I'm now working with others at HP to form a "learning

One of my main interests is how to show the linkage between learning and
business results. One of the things I HAVE learned (so to speak) by my
work in information systems and quality is that business managers are not
impressed by the intrinsic intellectual beauty of these disciplines. They
want to taste the beef. I'm still trying to document the beef in learning

Right now, at least, I think that the key is tied to the word
"competition." So, I'd like to work with those who are trying to show how
learning organizations achieve quantifiably improved business results
(e.g., increased profits, growth, market share).


Joe Podolsky
