Intro -- Kari Stachon LO28

Kielo (
Tue, 7 Feb 1995 09:18:04 +0200

Hello all there,

I'm new one on this list, so let me give a brief introduction.

I'm male 31, MA (major subject adult education) from the University of
Tampere, Finland. I'm now working on my doctoral thesis. My interest area is
quite theorethical, but I have also worked several years as a database
engineer (planning and coding relation-model based software) so I have an
idea of "real life work". Last year I had an opportunity to work 5 months in
The Netherlands as a researcher. My university was the University of
Nijmegen and my supervisor there was prof. Robert-Jan Simons. I produced a
report "Conceptualising work and on-the-job learning"; the report may not be
so interesting, but there is a good list of references. If somebody is
interested of the reference list just drop me a note.

I try to define key concepts of learning organisation and I hope that I
could someday present some kind of working conceptual model of
organisational learning. A good goal, I think! The task now is to define
most important organisational components and their relationships with

I don't bother you longer, I watch this list for a while to get an idea of it.

Best regards,

Kari Stachon