>Can a school be a learning org? ...
>I am interested in K-12 schools as institutions rather than the
"mini-institution" of a classroom. ...
>Are there schools out there who have deliberately moved towards
building shared vision, team learning, personal mastery, etc.?
In the October, 1994 issue of "The Systems Thinker" an article outlined
the successes of the Orange Grove Middle School in Tuscon, Arizona.
Principal, Mary Scheetz and Asst. Principal, Tracy Benson described the
evolution of a shared vision at their school.`
Editorial support for the article was provided by Colleen Lannon-Kim, the
Managing Editor of "The Systems Thinker." This newsletter is published by
Pegasus Communications, Cambridge, MA. Phone number is 617-576-1231.
Joyce D'Ambrosio
Quality System Implementations
San Jose, CA
From: JKDQSYS@aol.com