Fifth Discipline in Academia LO7

Robin Doughty (rdoughty@MIT.EDU)
Fri, 03 Feb 95 10:21:43 EST

Hello Learning-org subscribers --

I'm Robin Doughty with the MIT Organizational Learning Center (OLC).

We are about to begin an MIT review of the OLC and would like to contact
any academic institution using _The Fifth Discipline_ or the Fieldbook or
any of the Learning Organization concepts. This might be in undergraduate
or graduate courses or otherwise.

If you are using this material, or if you know of institutions using this
material, would you please email me at

Please include contact information (name, institution, email address,
postal address and phone) and one or two sentences about what you are

Many Thanks!

Robin Doughty
Host's Note:
If you are using this material in an academic setting, you'll be helping
Peter Senge and the MIT OLC by contacting Robin.

-- Rick Karash,, host for learning-org