Intro of Tim Dixon

Tim Dixon (
Thu, 2 Feb 95 12:42:35 -0500

Hello Folks:

I am a new member of learning-org. I thank my friend Marcia Conner for
turning me onto this great resource.

My interests include 1) needs assessment methods to prepare for a change
process; 2) organizational learning partnerships between organizations;
and 3) various research paradigms for investigating learning organizations.

For the past four years I've been running the Corporate Adventure Training
Institute, a non-profit research centre at Brock University in St.
Catharines, Ontario. For ten years, I have served as a change agent for
client groups ranging from families in crissis and young offenders through
to senior management groups and organizations in the throws of
restructuring. In addition to my work as a full time facilitator with the
Canadian chapters of Project Adventure and Outward Bound, I've been a
consultant to a bunch of experiential training organizations (The Reser
Miller Group, The Proudman Group, New York City Outward Bound, Falls River
Learning Centre), as well as Family Services Association of Toronto and
Ontario Amateur Wrestling Association. I co-authored Safety Practices in
Adventure Programming on behalf of the Association for Experiential
Education (AEE) and have published a few journal acticles. For two years,
I've been the Chair for AEE's international professional group devoted to
Experience Based Training and Development.

I'm eager to learn from the T & D community, and always willing to share
CATI's research findings and my notions regarding experiential training as
a vehicle to organizational learning.
See you on-line. Tim

Tim Dixon
Associate Director
Corporate Adventure Training Institute (CATI)
Brock University
St. Catharines,
Ontario Canada
L2S 3A1
(905) 688-5550 Ext. 3120