Re: Is speed/technology really progress? (was Re:Progress to swift)

Tobin Quereau (
Tue, 17 Jan 1995 13:33:47 -0600 (CST)

Thanks, Stephen, for an eloquent plea for some balance that is not just
"bottom line" based. My hope is that even the "bottom-liners" are
beginning to see the price that is paid for "imbalance" in people as well
as in other systems.

Your comments on the detrimental impact of "speed" and isolating
technology can also be applied to the issue of learning as well as consuming.
Some fascinating research into brain functioning and "accelerated" learning
some years back actually showed how speed kills in learning as well other
aspects of life. There does seem to be a necessary incubation period or
rhythm to the process of learning which, when it is respected can provide
far more positive results than occur when it is ignored.

We seem to need growth in intellectual, emotional, relational,_and_
spiritual (however that term fits for the reader) realms in order to
truly prosper (and live long!).

Great comments conveyed with passion. Thanks for the reminder.

Tobin Quereau
Austin Community College