To members of the OL list:
Sorry for not identifying myself on my last posting. A number of
people have tried to reach me concerning their interest in Peter Checkland's
work. There are several books which I believe will serve you well in
fulfilling your interest in this approach:
Checkland, P. (1981) 'Systems Thinking, Systems Practice'
Chichester, UK, Wiley & Sons
This book sets out the conceptual framework for 'soft' systems
approaches in contrast to 'hard' approaches, such as, operations
research etc.
Checkland, P. and Scholes, J(1990). 'Soft Systems Methodology in Action' Chichester, UK, Wiley & Sons
Wilson, B. (1990) 'Systems: Concepts, Methodologies, and Applications'
second edition, Chichester, UK, J. Wiley & Sons
Hope this helps!
Steve Cavaleri Ph.D.
Professor of Management
Central CT State University
New Britain, CT 06050