Re: Creating a Company Vision

Art Kleiner (
Fri, 6 Jan 1995 04:48:32 -0800

Re Scott Dawson's point about Vision:

In a world governed by chaos, where reality is unfathomable yet
we can't escape -- then you could argue the best course of
action is to do nothing!

OK, I admit that's an exaggeration. I have thought a lot about
the "shared vision" part of The Fifth Discipline since working on
the Fieldbook, and I have come to think of it as a deliberate \
process for building an organic concept of the future. In other
words, you don't have a goal that remains fixed: you have a vision
of a future which may or may not come true -- but in pursuing
that vision, significant things will happen.

In the context of chaos theory, maybe the vision is a trick,
played by the mind on itself, which nonetheless allows a person
to move forward effectively, even though the vision is... well,
only a trick....

Art Kleiner <>