3 trends & 3 "networks"

George Por (gpor@ols.com)
Sun, 11 Dec 1994 17:30:55 -0800

Keith, thank you for the interest you expressed on Wed, 7 Dec 1994:

>> I expect the most important breakthroughs in organizational and social
>> innovation coming from the intersection of the most "subversive" trends in
>> technology, commerce, and organization design: Cyberspace, Intellectual
>> Capital, and Collective Intelligence. I'd like to connect with folks who
>> have similar interest to explore synergistic possibilities.
>> George Por
>This certainly sounds like something along the lines that I am looking for.
>Please count me among the interested parties. Thanks...Keith

Would you say more about why the intersection of the emerging trends in
technology, commerce, and organization design --Cyberspace, Intellectual
Capital, and Collective Intelligence-- is important to you and/or to your

Those who are interested in this topic: How would an inquiry into the
overlap and cross-impact of those trends lead to making a difference to
your organization? What kind of specific outcome(s) would you expect from
such an inquiry?

I'm interested in finding crew mates for a learning expedition into
understanding and creating high-synergy, business and social innovation
projects using the power of those three trends.

Such a project could be run by, for example, a management team that commits
to maximizing their company's only sustainable *evolutionary* advantage
--its capability to re-design itself in mid-flight -- by enabling their
"people network" (collective intelligence) to produce a "knowledge network"
(intellectual capital) supported by a Web-like "computer network"

Companies that will be able to bring forth and synergize the true strength
of each network, will be the ones with the most consistent track record of
predicting future success *and* dangers.

I'm in the process of writing an interactive think piece on these matters,
that will serve as a conceptual framework for a disciplined collaborative
inquiry into the cross-impact of the three trends and maximizing the
synergy of the three networks.

As I stated earlier, I want to collaborate on these issues with interested
parties, and anybody with a strong interest and time available to the
Learning Expedition is welcome!

I don't know what agreement people on this list have about intellectual
property, but I assume that everybody owns his/her word which cannot be
used outside the list without permission of the author. Rick, can you
confirm this assumption before I go further?

gpor@ols.com (George Por)


George, yes, our policy on this list is "Authors own their own words" and
articles on the learning-org list should not be re-posted, re-distributed
or used elsewhere without the author's permission.

Rick Karash, rkarash@world.std.com, host for learning-org list