System Dynamics Mailing List

Bob L Eberlein (
Fri, 9 Dec 1994 11:33:39 +0001 (EST)


I am please to announce the creation of a System Dynamics
mailing list. For those of you who are unsure, System Dynamics
is, in a nutshell, the rigorous study of systems and their
behavior using the principles of feedback, dynamics and
simulation. In more words system dynamics is characterized by:

* Searching for useful solutions to real problems, especially
in social systems (businesses, schools, governments,...) and
the environment.
* Using computer simulation models to understand and improve
such systems.
* Basing the simulation models on mental models, qualitative
knowledge and numerical information.
* Using methods and insights from feedback control engineering
and other scientific disciplines to assess and improve the
quality of models.
* Seeking improved ways to translate scientific results into
achieved implemented improvement.

The purpose of the list is to promote discussion around issues
in building and using System Dynamics models. Examples of
topics that are of interest include:

1. Issues in conceptualization of a problem into a feedback
structure including identification of reference modes and the
creation of dynamics hypotheses.
2. Ideas and questions about how to formulate a particular type
of structure (hiring policy, price adjustment, fertility
determination and so on).
3. Interesting models you have built and the results arrived at.
Questions to others about examples of models for certain
types of problems.
4. Validation of System Dynamics models.
5. Implementation issues.

And other topics directly related to the development and use of
System Dynamics models. To join the mailing list send an e-mail
message to containing the following text
in the body (the subject line is ignored):

subscribe system-dynamics

the subscription will be entered using your "reply to" address.
You can also supply an address as in

subscribe system-dynamics

This will put you on the mailing list. You can remove yourself
from the mailing list by the same process but using unsubscribe
instead of subscribe.

To post a message to the list simply address an e-mail message
to The message will automatically
be sent to everyone subscribing to the list. Pleae be sure to
include a subject line as this will make it easier for readers to
search for messages that are especially interesting.

This system-dynamics mailing list is intended to be
complementary to a number of related resources currently
available on the internet. These include:

1. The K-12 mailing list for the use of system dynamics in
primary and secondary education (if you are interested
contact and ask, in English, to be added to
this list).

2. The learning organization list for issues around learning
organizations. To get information on this list send a message to
The subject line is ignored. In the body of the message
info learning-org.

3. The business process reengineering list for issues around
business process reengineering. To subscribe to this list
send a message to containing
the text SUB BPR-L

There is also work underway at MIT to set up a number of
internet resources in support of system dynamics. News on these
will be posted on this list as they become available.

Bob Eberlein,
Dec. 9, 1994