Educational Entities
Mon, 5 Dec 1994 17:50:16 -0500

To interested list members, I am very interested in working with educational
institutions (all levels public/private/K-Graduate) to implement the concepts
and tools of TQM/Learning Organizations/Process Improvement/Business Process
Reengineering/Process Reengineering/Good Businees Practices/ in service
& support as well as curriculum areas (I firmly believe these concepts are
all interrelated/interconnected to create Maximum Business or Organizational
Performance). Any interest, information, thoughts, ideas, or experiences you
hasve to share would be greatly appreciated.
My experience includes 15 years as a line supervisor/manager of a technical
organization and 12 years as manager and internal consultant in TQM for a
major university administered R&D facility. Please send reasponses to:
pmgriffin@AOL.COM or (evan better) phone 1-800-373-6974. Thanks, Peet


NOTE: Using the learning-org list to establish private contacts like this
is perfectly OK. Of course, if you you have something that might be of
interest to those on the list, please do post a note to learning-org!

- Rick Karash Host for learning-org