List of Books Reviewed
Norman Frank (
Mon, 11 Jul 1994 19:50:52 -0400
Below is a list of the recent books reviewed. They are all related
to the field of quality, which leads one to the "learning organization".
Unfortunately, the italics didn't transfer into ASCII, so put some
in where they look good.
The Five Pillars of TQM: How to Make Total Quality Management
Work for You, by Bill Creech, published by Dutton (175 Hudson
Street, New York, NY 10014), 1994, 549 pp, $26.95 (list)
The Empowerment Imperative: Six Steps to a High Performance
Organization by Daniel Quinn Mills, Human Resource Development
Press, Inc. (22 Amherst Road, Amherst, Massachusetts 01002),
1994, 146 pages, $14.95 (list)
The Change Agents' Handbook: A survival Guide for Quality
Improvement Champions by David W. Hutton, published by ASQC
Quality Press (P.O. Box 3005, Milwaukee, WI 53201-3005) 1994, 344
pp, $24.95 (list)
Quality Management for Government: A Guide to Federal, State and
Local Implementation, by V. Daniel Hunt, Quality Press:
Milwaukee, WI: 1993 pp384; $29.95 (list), $26.95 (ASQC members)
HeroZ!: Empower Yourself, Your Coworkers, Your Company, by
William C. Byham, Ph.D. and Jeff Cox, published by Harmony Books
(201 East 50th Street, New York, NY 10022) 1994, 201 pp, $18
ISO 9000: Preparing for Registration by James L. Lamprecht;
Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, 1992, pp 241.
The ISO Book: A Global Competitor's Guide to Compliance &
Certification, by John T. Rabbitt and Peter A. Bergh, Quality
Resources, White Plains, NY:1993, pp166. $26.95
Implementing the ISO 9000 Series by James L. Lamprecht, published
by Marcel Dekker, Inc. (270 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016)
1994, 262 pp, $45 (list)
Opening Closed Doors: Keys to Reaching Hard-to-Reach People, by
C. Richard Weylman, Irwin Professional Publishing (1333 Burr
Ridge Parkway, Burr Ridge, IL 60521) 1994, 260 pages; $20 (list)
Procedure Writing: Principles and Practices by Douglas Wieringa,
et al, $34.95, Battelle Press, 1993, pp 211.
Reinventing Government: How the Entrepreneurial Spirit is
Transforming the Public Sector, Penguin Books: New York: 1992,
pp405; $13
Meeting ISO 9000 in a TQM World by Allan J. Sayle; Allan J.
Sayle, Ltd., 1991, pp 337.
The Servide/Quality Solution: Using Service Management to Gain
Competitive Advantage, by David A. Collier, Dutton: New York:
1994, 549 pages; $26.95 (list)
Why TQM Fails and What To Do About It by Mark Graham Brown, Darcy
E. Hitchcock, and Marsha L. Willard, IRWIN Professional
Publishing (1333 Burr Ridge Parkway, Burr Ridge, IL 60521), 1994,
252 pages, $25 (list)
Global Management of Quality Assurance Systems, by Walter
Willborn and T.C. Edwin Cheng, McGraw-Hill: New York: 1994 pp376
Winning The War on Waste: Changing the Way We Work, by William E.
Conway, published by Conway Quality, Inc. (15 Trafalgar Square,
Nashua, NH 03063), 1994, 240 pp, $26.95 (list)
Norman C. Frank
MCI Mail: 4573434