good news, bad news, other news

August 19, 2006





good news

I meant to post this before because it's such good news: For the first time in the history of the Cape May NWR a piping plover pair successfully fledged a chick.

bad news?

I haven't seen anything about this in the news media (tv, newspapers, online news aggregators) but apparently the US Fish and Wildlife Service is planning/implementing downsizing throughout the Northeast Region (region 5) of the National Wildlife Refuge system. This memo has been making the rounds of massbird. I couldn't find it on the FWS web site.

other news

In other news the latest i and the bird carnival of the blogs is now available. The 30th instantiation of I and the Bird is up at Burning Silo. It's packed with reading pleasure for birders. Check it out.



Today's Reading

The Danube: A river guide by Rod Heikell

This Year's Reading
2006 Booklist


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Copyright © 2006, Janet I. Egan