i'll never catch up

February 13, 2006




So much for my resolution to "just write". What a silly resolution for someone who can't write her way out of a paper bag. Come to think of it, exactly how would one get out of a paper bag by writing? TheWorld.com's troubles prevented me from posting the saving civilization by shopping at independent bookstores in Waltham entry and then I forgot about it -- the entry, not my plan to save civilization -- and got one of those colds from hell that hang on and on and on stop me before I write and on again... So then I went to post the entry and decided I had to revise it because it included a long digression about the European Union's bizarre plan to build an MIT-equivalent in Austria. I mean if they're smart enough to build such a school surely they are smart enough to know that the universe can only have one center. Unless, of course they're planning to start an alternate universe... :-)

So I'll never catch up.

If winter depression is called SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) is depression about my online journal called BAD (Blog Affective Disorder)?

We had some snow. I made beet soup during the storm. Beets are good. I like beets.



Today's Reading
The Run
by John Hay, Down the Bay by Wallace P. Stanley,
Playback: From the Victrola to Mp3, 100 Years of Music, Machines, and Money by Mark Coleman

This Year's Reading
2006 Booklist




Journal Index




Copyright © 2006, Janet I. Egan