
June 24, 2003

Summer seems to have arrived. The condo swimming pool is jam-packed. I miss swimming. Not that I could swim in that shallow pool with a billion kids even if I could lift my left arm. Besides the large numbers of people at the swimming pool there are large numbers of house sparrows in the parking lot and large numbers of juvenile starlings on the grass. House sparrows and starlings both seem to think their parents are still going to feed them even though they can fly. They chase the adults back and forth across the parking lot and make begging gestures when they land on the neighbors' roofs. Actually, shouldn't the plural of roof be rooves? When did that change? Did English used to be more consistent? Seems unlikely that plural formation would have been more consistent before the spelling standardized. Anyway, judging by the adult birds' behavior they are more than ready for empty nest syndrome.

A blue jay just landed on my roof, actually on the gutter, directly above the window of my study. I can see the tail and the feet. I can actually hear the blue jay's feet scraping along the aluminum gutter. It's just sort of walking around up there. What could possibly be of interest to a blue jay in the gutter? It flies over to the light pole, perches on a wire, then comes back to the gutter and resumes walking around. Wilbur is oblivious to this, not his usual style. It's apparently too hot and humid for him to sit in the window and study blue jays so he is stretched out full length in the doorway with the fan blowing on him. The TV weather people are already talking heat wave even though this is the first hot day and it hasn't hit 90 yet, at least at my house it's only 89.

I told my physical therapist the Tim Wakefield/Derek Lowe story this morning. She got a big kick out of it, picturing Derek saying "But don't you want my autograph too?" PT is actually not so bad right now. I don't get that searing "I'm going to pass out and throw up at the same time" pain anymore. It will be so weird to be back to square one after the rotator cuff surgery. I asked the therapist if she knew the orthopod and if she trusts him. She said yes so I asked "If you were Pedro Martinez would you trust him?" Not that my left shoulder is nearly as valuable as that of even the lowest level sandlot pitcher, especially since I'm not left handed and I never could get a pitch over the plate.

Continuing on with the full rich morning of therapies, my psychotherapist had this bizarre idea that Andrea could come over and help me after the surgery. She's 12! She doesn't drive. I know my therapist is from Mississippi, but even in Mississippi 12-year olds don't drive legally. Must be the heat.

A sparrow just flew into a hitherto unknown to me hole in the underside of the gutter above the window. The level of bird activity has slowed way down. Must be the humidity.

Hazy, hot, and humid. The tropical northeast.

Today's Reading
The Natural History of Moray by Charles St. John, In the Land of the Blue Poppies by Frank Kingdon Ward, Birding on Borrowed Time by Phoebe `

This Year's Reading
2003 Book List

Today's Starting Pitcher
Derek Lowe


The willet has nothing to do with today's entry. I took the picture a week ago at PI.


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Copyright © 2003, Janet I. Egan