the heat goes on

April 17, 2002

Today's Reading
Birds of Heaven: Travels with Cranes by Peter Matthiessen

This Year's Reading
2002 Book List

Today's Starting Pitcher
Darren Oliver

The heat goes on. The power goes off. So it goes. The chorus of beeping UPSes sounds a lot like a chorus of mating frogs. I wouldn't mind the power going off if the air conditioning had ever actually been on to overload things. This time I didn't lose any data though I did get very dehydrated - from the lack of air conditioning not the lack of power.

In book news, I finished Consider the Eel last night. I really liked it. Considering how little is actually known about eels - their biology, their mating, their life cycle - it's a compelling read. Reading some of the recipes, and the reminiscences of old Rhode Islanders about breakfast feasts of eels, I was almost willing to give up being vegetarian. And yes everything has a Rhode Island connection. There's a whole section about Yankee Eels. It mentions the Merrimack River too. I don't think it mentioned Moby Dick, but maybe I missed it.

In the early going tonight, the Red Sox are scoring many runs against Toronto. They batted around in the first inning. They've already driven out the starting pitcher in the second inning.

It has cooled off considerably this evening. A big wind blew through slamming all the doors shut - I gotta get some doorstops - and dropping the temperature. The sensible people are predicting thunderstorms. Should I listen to what the sensible people say and shut down the computer? A coworker at Starship Startup commented this morning that he hasn't believed a weather forecast since Don Kent retired. He has a point.


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Copyright © 2002, Janet I. Egan