Journal of a Sabbatical

June 15, 2001

hhh and then some

Today's Bird Sightings:
Plum Island
redwinged blackbird (4)
mute swan (3)
killdeer (1)
gadwall (7)
gray catbird (3)
great egret ((2)
willet (2)
herring gull (37)
American robin (2)
common grackle (1)
eastern kingbird (3)
seaside sparrow (1)
northern mockingbird (2)
snowy egret (4)
brown thrasher (1)
double crested cormorant (25)
black bellied plover (4)
dunlin (2)
great black back gull (4)
mallard (2)
least tern (6)
yellow warbler (3)
house sparrow (2)
cabbage white (3)
American copper (1)

Today's Reading: Tibetan Trek by Ronald Kaulback

Today's Starting Pitcher: Rolando Arrojo

2001 Book List
Plum Island Bird List for 2001
Plum Island Life List

It's 92 degrees and humid.

Plus it turns out it really is true that Apple can't just send me a tab key to replace the one that disappeared from the G4 (that would be the one Istvan has at the Botanical Department in Budapest). They have to replace the whole keyboard. This is beyond ridiculous.

The plan for today was to get a tab key, do laundry, buy groceries, continue modularizing the library. It was too hot to do any of these.

I photographed weeds instead.


Blue-eyed grass

Pink flowers

Birdsfoot trefoil

Three kinds of clover plus other stuff

Swamp dewberry

Silverweed - I think


Journal Index




Copyright © 2001, Janet I. Egan