Journal of a Sabbatical

April 9, 2001

not much

National Poetry Month Link(s) of the Day:


Today's Reading: A Visit to India, China, and Japan in the Year 1853 by Bayard Taylor

Today's Starting Pitcher: day off I think

2001 Book List
Plum Island Bird List

Busy day, not much to write about.

I took Wilbur to the vet for his shots. We all survived, including the vet.

I called everybody on my Purrfect Companions committee to remind them of tomorrow's meeting. Almost every phone was answered by a human, either the person I was calling or someone related to them, so I ended up actually getting a head start on what I want to accomplish at the meeting. Also did a bunch of other cat shelter related work.

The big expedition of the day was to TJ Maxx to buy sheets. My sheets have been gradually decomposing one by one until I only had one bottom sheet left and it was so threadbare it developed holes if you looked at it. Well last night I put my foot through the sheet and ripped a huge gigantic rift in it. Time to buy some sheets. I hate shopping. At least TJ Maxx isn't in a mall. And they had some that look remarkably like my old ones. I bought three sets.

I spent a lot of time putting the photos that Andrea took of my birthday party yesterday into some sort of order and made it a journal entry for yesterday. Then I was on such a roll with getting caught up that I did one of the remaining China Journal entries. I decided that since doing the final four days in Tibet (which is all one entry according to my plan) was going to require more sustained concentration since I didn't write much while I was there that I'd skip that entry and do the one about what the neighborhood in Xiangshan was like. If I didn't become a little more flexible about doing this in order and adhering the outline, I'd never finish writing about that trip. So episode #13 is now available even though #12 isn't (#12's pictures are there though).

And lots lots more, but not much to write about.


Journal Index



Copyright © 2001, Janet I. Egan