Journal of a Sabbatical

April 5, 2001

among other things

Today's Reading: A Visit to India, China, and Japan in the Year 1853 by Bayard Taylor

Today's Starting Pitcher: Frank Castillo

2001 Book List
Plum Island Bird List

Anybody else noticed that some old concepts are new again? Like:

Cold War

spy plane

energy crisis

I even heard somebody on the news tonight mention a possible manned moon landing. Next thing you know we'll be buying avocado green appliances and orange shag carpeting again. Time to get out the bellbottoms.

And Eudora 5.0's Moodwatch feature is ridiculous. Shit gets three chili peppers, piss gets one, but "go to hell" gets none. Which is more inflammatory? I frequently discuss feline body fluids and don't find them offensive, but I would certainly find a message that told me to go to hell at least mildly offensive. It does flag "I hate you" so I suppose that's OK. Dyke gets three chili peppers even if it's the only word in the message. Lesbian doesn't get any chili peppers. The most amusing thing I've noticed so far is that if you just mention one body part of a sexual nature you don't get any chili peppers, nor do you get any if you mention two, but mention three and suddenly you've got two chili peppers. I find composing offensive email vastly more entertaining than I did before Moodwatch. Go figure.

Today is National Have Fun at Work Day. Who thought that one up?

Red Sox souvenir stores are already out of Hideo Nomo shirts. The 6:00 PM news had interviews with Japanese tourists visiting Boston who were disappointed that the big Red Sox souvenir shop across from Fenway had no Nomo memorabilia in stock yet. Taken by surprise or what?


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Copyright © 2001, Janet I. Egan