Karmic Load

February 5, 1997


Custer, Dexter, and Charlie got adopted. I'm really happy especially for Charlie. he's so shy. I hope in a nice home he'll blossom a little. Custer is one of those orange tabbies with Wilbur personality disorder. He hadn't been at the shelter very long. I think his strategy was to keep meowing nonstop until someone noticed him and took him away.

Slinky is one of those Jekyll and Hyde cats. He was a sweet rag doll when Roberta took him out of his cage and let him run around in the socialization room. When Dawna went to put him back, he tried to attack me from behind. Dawna intervened but he latched onto her hand with claws so deeply embedded they practically disappeared under her skin. Yuck. He had this wild look on his face - very scary. I gently squeezed first one paw then the other to get him to retract his claws so Dawna wouldn't be totally shredded. She was still bleeding a lot though.

I bumped my head on a cage door and now have a sqiggly red line with a bump on each end in the middle of my forehead. Ridiculous.


About 3ish this afternoon, Nikki appeared on my doorstep lost and looking for directions. Not money just directions. I made tea, gave directions, and acted like it was perfectly normal for her to drop in after dropping out of sight on Thanksgiving Day with no forwarding address. Everyone does this right? Disappear, reappear...

Janet, Oceans. Oceans, Janet.

Tonight in class we watched a movie about plate tectonics. It was pretty well done. The media center room was stiflingly hot though and I though I would pass out after the movie. The prof tried to continue lecturing but she soon realized we were all going to pass out. This is the 3rd class and so far none have been the full 3 hours. Fortunately, plate tectonics is not new to me so I don't feel like I'm missing anything yet.

Last week we learned about ocean explorers through history. I was telling Nancy about the Greek explorer Pytheas who devised a way to measure latitude and sailed all the way to Iceland in like 320BCE. The next day Nancy was in the Brown Bookstore and saw a pop-up book of great explorers from Pytheas to Project Apollo. Weird. From never hearing of Pytheas to a Pytheas pop up book in one day...

reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed <- wilbur's entry

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