How the weekend was

January 12, 1997
writing: 3. Handwriting; chirography. Writing book, a book for practice in penmanship. -- Writing desk, a desk with a sloping top for writing upon; also, a case containing writing materials, and used in a similar manner. -- Writing lark (Zo\'94l.), the European yellowhammer; -- so called from the curious irregular lines on its eggs. [Prov. Eng.] -- Writing machine. Same as Typewriter. -- Writing master, one who teaches the art of penmanship. -- Writing obligatory (Law), a bond. -- Writing paper, paper intended for writing upon with ink, usually finished with a smooth surface, and sized. -- Writing school, a school for instruction in penmanship. -- Writing table, a table fitted or used for writing upon. ---Webster's Dictionary, 1913

The trouble with writing the journal entries in the morning is I end up writing about the day before and all the entries end up one off and I get confused about what day it is and what happened and why and who it happened to if not me why not and besides that i could just write a bunch of entries ahead of time and post them one at a time.

Anyway, yesterday's entry was all about Friday not a word about Saturday even though I wrote it on Saturday and I kept using "today". See it was like the middle of the night well after midnight and the exciting parts of Saturday hadn't happened yet and I had already written Friday's entry in the morning and figured I would just fill Saturday's entry with Friday's remaining adventures of which there were many and then write about the whole weekend on Sunday night, which it now is.

And now here it is Monday morning and I'm finishing Sunday's entry because I got distracted by the Patriots' game (they won, they're goin' to the super bowl, how postfeminist) and phone calls and sleep.

So the weekend in brief:
Saturday: unexpected snowstorm Saturday morning, traffic, Nancy in New Hampshire for family reunion, pickup Nancy at noon, wait out the storm at my house, see Everything Relative at the Avon in Providence once we got there, more snow in Providence than here, streets not plowed despite Providence being host city for the AFC championship game, maybe Pats and Jaguars fans don't care, dinner at Curry-in-a-Hurry, early sleep.
Sunday: great sex, cold wind, brunch at the Rue, cove count: 138 Canada geese, 152 ring bill gulls, 52 swans, 22 mallards, 1 herring gull, 1 crow, 1 hawk, no sign of Igor; Wickford: no find Scenic Rhode Island calendar, bookstore out of them, bookstore lady remembers i bought her uncle Robert's Viking book, 10 red breasted mergansers in harbor.

Wilbur is helping me type... bye

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