Journal of a Sabbatical

December 2, 2000

the season

Today's Reading: The Story of the Stone (a.k.a. Dream of the Red Chamber): Volume 4: The Debt of Tears by Cao Xueqin, The Story of the Stone (a.k.a. Dream of the Red Chamber): Volume 5: The Dreamer Wakes by Cao Xueqin and Gao E, The Island of Penguins by Cherry Kearton

Dream of the Red Chamber - greatly abridged

Academic Research and Info Center for Dream of the Red Chamber - even includes a list of all the dishes (and there a great many) served at the banquets described

2000 Book List
Plum Island Bird List



Walked with Priscilla, Joan-east, and Claire around North Andover Common and Old Center. They went to the Red Bow Fair at North Parish afterward and then were going to head off to another holiday fair at the Baptist church. 'Tis the season for church fairs I guess. I went to Perfecto's (North Andover) for a bagel and coffee as I had skipped breakfast before our walk.

Finished bagel at Perfecto's and brought what remained of the coffee home to sip on while I try to catch up with errands and chores. Called the vacuum place to ask about my poor failing vacuum cleaner. They said they'd have to call me back. Drank more coffee, went through bills, listened to Wait Wait Don't Tell Me on WBUR ... coffee getting cold .... vacuum place calls back with estimate for replacing fan and tuning up the off balance bearings, which should revitalize it enough for about another year's worth of cleaning. I suppose I could just buy a new one, but if spending $55 on this one can keep it going for another year I think I should do that. I told them to go ahead and do that. It'll be ready on Monday. Who knew vacuum cleaners were this much trouble?

Failed to catch up on errands and chores because of Volume 4 of Dream of the Red Chamber. I couldn't put it down until I knew how that particular crisis came out. Finished volume 4 of Dream of the Red Chamber. Began volume 5. Who knew great literature was this riveting?

Picked up Nancy at the bus station, drove to Central Square to have dinner at Mary Chung's. Good spicy tofu with black beans. I knew they'd have a spicy tofu dish with black beans. Craving satisfied.


Journal Index



Copyright © 2000, Janet I. Egan