Journal of a Sabbatical

September 13, 2000

please don't eat the newsletter

Today's Reading: nothing

Today's Starting Pitcher:

2000 Book List
Plum Island Bird List


Journal Index



Copyright © 2000, Janet I. Egan






Adopt these cats at Merrimack River Feline Rescue Society. Roy not available for adoption. He's just there to make the cats look adoptable.

I'm running way behind in everything I need to do before I leave for China tomorrow. I zipped up to Kinko's last night when I finally had the newsletter ready to copy, asked for 150 copies despite the fact that I need 159 'cause I am a space cadet this week. Tried to stuff 'em in envelopes and stick labels on 'em in the conference room/socialization room while Karen was trying to wash the floor and holy hell was breaking loose among the cats. Discovered I only had 90 newsletters. Oops. Either I stuffed doubles in a lot of envelopes, or Titan ate way more than I thought.

Titan shredded the cardboard box the envelopes came in and spread little pieces of cardboard all over the newly cleaned floor. He took a bite out of the Kinko's box too but didn't appear to swallow or strew any of it. He kept biting the edges of newsletters but I'd grab them away before he did any significant damage. Wonder if anyone will notice the teeth marks?

Dashed across the street to the printer to order 100 more copies. Left instructions for them to call when they're done and left a pile of addressed envelopes on the table for whoever comes in this afternoon when the 100 copies come back to stuff. There's only about 40-something left to do but I figured they might need extra copies. If Titan eats the envelopes before the newsletters come in, all bets are off.

I will arise and go now to finish packing. That is all. Over and out.