Journal of a Sabbatical

September 11, 2000

up too early

Today's Reading: Thunder and Lightning by Natalie Goldberg, The Outermost House by Henry Beston, The Journal of Henry D. Thoreau edited by Bradford Torrey and Francis H. Allen

Today's Starting Pitcher: Rolando Arrojo vs. El Duque

2000 Book List
Plum Island Bird List


Journal Index



Copyright © 2000, Janet I. Egan

There was a thing on All Things Considered this afternoon about a new digital photo chip that a company called Fovean has developed. It's supposed to allow twice the resolution of 35mm film. The photographer who tried out the prototype claims the resolution is so good that a four-by-eight-foot enlargement of a picture shows no pixels. The guy they interviewed is Greg Gorman a well known portrait photographer who works in black and white.

I want one.

I got up way too early this morning: 6:00 AM. Honda Barn appointment for the 37500 wasn't til 7:30 but I was wide awake so got up anyway.

Read huge chunks of The Outermost House while waiting for the car: the winter sections, full of storms and ducks.

Very faded painting of the Chain Bridge in the conference room of the Institution for Savings where the MRFRS board meeting was. Don't know why that made an impression on me.