Journal of a Sabbatical

September 3, 2000

gitw 2

Today's Reading: The Outermost House by Henry Beston

Today's Starting Pitcher:Tomo Ohka

2000 Book List
Plum Island Bird List


Journal Index



Copyright © 2000, Janet I. Egan

squirrelWe were up in plenty of time for an early start toward a second visit to Garden in the Woods, but somehow we got distracted by each other and by squirrelvision. This squirrel put on a wonderful show for us just outside the window. Acrobatics, lost and and found nuts, chattering... the whole squirrel thing... with no clue two middle aged women were watching.

We did finally manage to get out of the house and to arrive at Garden in the Woods, where we walked most of the Curtis Trail in humidity so thick I thought I was walking in quicksand. It was worth it though. Beautiful flowers, beautiful trees, beautiful turtles, beautiful snakes ...