Journal of a Sabbatical

May 17, 2000

among the litterboxes

Adopt these cats at Merrimack River Feline Rescue Society

Today's Bird Sightings:
Plum Island
4 common terns
12 eastern kingbirds
12 redwinged blackbirds
1 willet
3 gray catbirds
2 solitary sandpipers
1 great egret
8 Canada geese
1 killdeer
4 purple martins
4 bobolinks
4 northern mockingbirds
2 brown headed cowbirds
2 yellow warblers
2 mute swans
2 northern harriers
2 mallards
2 belted kingfishers
2 American black ducks
4 herring gulls

Today's Reading: Uttermost Part of the Earth by E. Lucas Bridges

Today's Starting Pitcher:
Pedro Martinez
Win number 7 for Pedro!

2000 Book List
Plum Island Bird List


Journal Index



Copyright © 2000, Janet I. Egan

biffThe cats are saner this week. Must've been the weather. Chloe is happy to see me and jumps right up on the sink to observe the dish proceedings, drink from the tap, and sip the coffee. She suffers herself to be petted and even head-butts me. Not only that, some woman came in to donate towels and sat down next to Chloe on a bench and started petting her. Chloe acted like she enjoyed it. I suggested the woman adopt her, but she's interested in Mookie. Or something.

Even Sandy is behaving himself today relatively speaking. No unprovoked attacks on animal telepaths today.

Pixie is talking a blue streak. I can't believe she's still here. White cats - with thefloppy notable exception of Jaguar - are usually adopted within a week or two of arrival. Giggle Girl's guidance counselor likes Pixie so I suggest adopting her. He says he's a dog person. He asks us to pose for a group picture for Giggle Girl's yearbook. I point out that Roy is not in today - still recuperating from surgery - so he decides he'll scan in a previous Roy photo and paste him in. Yearbooks just ain't what they used to be.

mookieThe community litterboxes are not as gross as they were last week, which either means Meowster is using his own litterbox for his gallons of pee or he's gotten over whatever ailed him. That makes it much pleasanter for me. I'm sure it's pleasanter for Meowster too.

One of the new cats is a returnee who was adopted 7 years ago! That was beforesophia my time. She's hissy and hostile. I don't know if it's just being back here that's bugging her or that she's been like this for the past 7 years and the people just noticed it. I mean after the people returned Miss Newburyport for not being a lap cat after 5 years when she was never a lap cat to begin with, I'll believe people can wait that long.

mookieMy nose is all sniffly and my eyes are all itchy. The pollen count is off the charts. I have to keep taking off my dishwashing gloves to wipe my nose. Good thing I'm not allergic to cats.

ty in the officeI tried air drying my bleach-stained green shirt on the porch railing while I did today's new cat photos attired in a nice clean shirt. The green shirt had not dried by the time I was done with the photos, so I just threw it on the floor of the car and headed for lunch and birds.

Lunch was once again the veggie burger and fries at Angie's, with mass quantities of water. I am extremely thirsty today. Sudden onset dehydration? I get my coffee at Fowle's to go and then .... well... go ... to the refuge.

The word for today is loud. The kingbirds are loud. The newly returned bobolinks are loud. Even the purple martins are loud. Bobolinks and kingbirds are all over the place. You would have to be unconscious not to notice them. And who knew one willet could make so much noise? Pill-will-willet, pill-will-willet, pill-will-willet.... I was getting really into looking for little yellow things and little brown jobbies until I got out of the car at the Pines Trail and mosquitoes swarmed over me. I got three bites within seconds. Arrrgh! I didn't think I needed bug repellent yet. Well, I doubt there's any West Nile virus up here yet as crows have not started dropping from the skies. Don't know about Triple-E (eastern equine encephalitis - one of the reasons it is insane to live in Massachusetts and even less sane to live in Rhode Island) this year yet. Remaining birding will have to be from the car today. Yuck. Still plenty of birds though.

And how about those first place Boston Red Sox and ace pitcher Pedro Martinez?!?! Pedro rocks!