Journal of a Sabbatical

May 14, 2000

everything that can go wrong...

Today's Reading: Uttermost Part of the Earth by E. Lucas Bridges, Natural History by Pliny the Elder, On Agriculture by Columella

Today's Starting Pitcher:
too busy to pay attention - but they did win - how cool is that? first place! how cool is that?

2000 Book List
Plum Island Bird List


Journal Index



Copyright © 2000, Janet I. Egan

I kept printing the Mother's Day card backwards. The Russian parking space blockers parked me in so I had to confront them in order to drive to the Mother's Day festivities. I was an hour late. So were others. Their own comedy of errors - not involving snotty Russian kids. Dinner was had. Yard work was done. Allergies were triggered. Eyes tearing. Nose running. Damn.

On the up side, when I drove Nancy home we went immediately to the cove and witnessed many goslings, domestic geese intimidating Canada geese, gulls fighting, and a swan intimidating a piece of trash. The swan beat its wings so hard it stirred up a breeze that blew that offending piece of trash into the bushes. Bet that swan feels proud of himself.