Where did I get all the cards?

Menger's Sponge (depth 3)

Where did I get all the business cards?

A lot of people are curious as to where I got the 66,000 business cards needed to build the Menger's Sponge model. In February, 1995 the company I worked for changed its name. My colleagues gave me their business cards. In August, 1995, my employers moved. My colleagues gave me their busines cards. After we arrived at our new location, the printers sent us business cards with the new address -- and the old zip-code. I got to keep them. This accounts for the 48,000 cards needed for the base, and some to spare.

The 18,048 colored cards needed for the panelling were provided by Jay Meddaugh of American Wholesale Thermographers of Woburn, Massachusetts, who saved bad print runs of colored business cards for me for several months.