Andrew S. Goldstein

(860) 589-8683

155 Redstone Hill Road, No. 8

Bristol, CT 06010


B.F.A., Illustration, Rhode Island School of Design, 1994



Web Design, On-Line Art Sales 1999-present

Science Fiction/Fantasy Illustration present

Occasional contribution to Point of Divergence science fiction amateur press publication.

Web Page Artwork Summer, 1997

Helped with artwork for web page for roleplaying game. Available to view at .

Web Page Design Freelance, February 1997

Created artwork for web page for computer network and educational services company.

Gallery Show Summer, 1995

Gallery show at Trident Bookstore & Cafe, Newbury St., Boston.

Lollipop Magazine 1995

Work has been published in noted Boston magazine.

Mt. Ida College, Coordinator of Interior Design Resource room 1994-1995

Rhode Island School of Design 1994

Various projects for Rhode Island School of Design include contributions to RISD Admissions brochure and artwork in promotion of new ELIZA computer system for library.


Professional Skills:

HTML, Familiarity with most basic word-processing programs, in addition to certain graphics programs such as Aldus Freehand, Pagemaker, Adobe Illustrator, and Adobe Photoshop.

Facility with a variety of artistic techniques and mediums.

References available upon request.