Old South sermons


Audiotapes of many 
of these sermons 
are available 
on request to our 
Church Administrator
or call (617)425-5145 

Sermons delivered by

Senior Minister Nancy S. Taylor

NEW  AUDIO of SERMONS are now available for sermons after 9/1/2005. 
Look for the MP3 symbol next to selected sermons below. Right-click directly on the logo to save to your computer hard drive, IPod folder, or MP3 player for future listening, or click directly on the symbol to hear sermon play on your computer or use RSS logo link to automatically subscribe.

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Sermons delivered by

Quinn G. Caldwell (QGS), Assoc. Minister

Carl F. Schultz (CFS)

Jennifer Mills-Knutsen (JMK), 

Katherine Layzer (KL)

& Other Guest Preachers as Noted


All  Sermons are
Copyrighted © 2005, 
Old South Church and by author.
Excerpts are permitted 
as long as full accreditation 
is made to Old South Church 

and to the author.
Taken by Storm
January 30, 2005
Genesis 7-9, Timothy 4:1-5

February 6, 2005
Matthew 17:24-29

February 13, 2005
Matthew 4:1-11

February 20, 2005
Genesis 12:1-9 and John 3:16

February 27, 2005
John 4:5-30,39-42

Light, Sight, Spit, Mud and Saliva
March 6, 2005
John 9:1-12

March 20, 2005 Palm Sunday
Matthew 21:1-11

Fear and Joy
March 27, 2005 Easter Sunday
Matthew 28:1-10

Breaking Open the Word
April 10, 2005
Luke 24:13-25

At Our Most Majestic
April 17, 2005
Hebrews 12:1-13

We All Live in Tents
May 1, 2005
Deuteronomy 26:4-9, II Corinthians 4:16-5:1

Grant Us Peace
May 8, 2005
John 14:27

A Grand Venture
May 15, 2005
Acts 2:1-21

Installation Service: 
Bidding to Mission & Benediction
at her installation as OSC Senior Minister
May 22, 2005

Saying Grace
June 5, 2005
Psalm 117 and 2 Corinthians 4:5-15

June 12, 2005 
Matthew 9:35-10:5-16

Robbers, Robin Hood, & Sam Adams
July 3, 2005 
Luke 10:25-37

Have I Got Good News for You!
with the Rev. Peter Southwell-Sander
July 24, 2005 
Acts 8: 26-40 

Jews, Christians, Muslims & the Language of Faith
July 31, 2005 
John 3: 16-21; 14:5-7

New Beginningsmp3 file
September 11, 2005 
Psalm 46:1-7,  Matthew 6:19-21

Food and Faithmp3 file
September 18, 2005 
Exodus 16:2-15

Doxology - mp3 file
September 25, 2005 
Philippians 2: 1-13

A Living Wordmp3 file
October 16, 2005 
I Corinthians 9:19-27 and Mark 1:1-3

The One Thingmp3 file
October 23, 2005 
I Corinthians 13 and Matthew 22:34-40

In Protestmp3 file
October 30, 2005 
Psalm 23

A Fish Storymp3 file
November 13, 2005 
2 Corinthians 9: 6-7 Luke 5: 1-11

Worth to Raise Issuesmp3 file
50th Anniversary at the Old South Meeting House
November 20, 2005 
I Kings 8:56-61 Psalm 100 Matthew 6:25-33

Advent Reflection: "Dancing"mp3 file
December 11, 2005 

The Colors of Adventmp3 file
December 18, 2005 
Luke 1: 26-38

Christmas Eve Greeting & Address


Flesh and Light
January 2, 2005 /KL 
John 1:1–18

Remember Your Baptism
January 9, 2005 /CFS 
Matthew 3:17

Beyond the Ordinary
January 23, 2005 /CFS 
Matthew 4:19

Breathing Hope
March 13, 2005 /JMK 
Ezekiel 37:1–14

Infectious Joy
April 3, 2005 /KL 
1 Peter 1:3–9; John 20:19-31

Weeping & Crying & Healing
April 24, 2005 /JMK 
Jeremiah 8:18-9:1, Mark 10:46-52

This is Big!
May 22, 2005 / J. Mary Luti
at the Installation of Nancy Taylor as OSC Sr. Minister
Luke 4:14-21a

Knowing By Heart
May 29, 2005 /JMK 
Deuteronomy 11:1-7, 13-15, 18-21

Soli Deo Gloria
June 26, 2005 /JMK (Gregory Peterson's Last Sun.)
Psalms 100, 138, 150

God's Generosity, Our Response
July 10, 2005 /Ken Orth 
Isaiah 55: 10-13; Matthew 13: 1-9, 18-23

From Hell to Hope
August 7, 2005 /JMK (Peace Sunday)
Isaiah 2:2-4, Matthew 5:43-45, Romans 12:14-21

Unexpected Turnsmp3 file
August 14, 2005 /JMK 
Matthew 15:21-28

HELLO! Your Name is     . (Sorry audio not available)
August 28, 2005 /Candidating Sermon/QGC
Exodus 3:1-15 Matthew 16:21-28

Who Shall I Invite?mp3 file
September 4, 2005 /Peter Southwell-Sander
Luke 14: 12-24

A Moveable Feastmp3 file
Godspeed Service for Jennifer Mills-Knutsen
October 2, 2005 /JMK 
Mark 8: 1-10

Children, Covenant & Change of Mindmp3 file
October 9, 2005 /QGC 
Exodus 32:1-14, Luke 1: 67-80

A Thin Placemp3 file
November 6, 2005 /QGC 
Matthew 5:1-12 I Thessalonians 4:13-18

Watching the Potmp3 file
November 27, 2005 /QGC 
Isaiah 64: 1-9  Mark 13: 24-37

Church in the Distancemp3 file
December 4, 2005 /Nick Carter, Pres. of Andover-Newton 
Luke 5: 1-11

Magnify the Word 
December 25, 2005 /QGC 
Readers: Pam Roberts, Scott McInturff & Quinn Caldwell
John 1: 1-18 (adapted), Matthew 1: 1-16 (adapted), Luke 1:46-55 (adapted)

are now available for sermons after 9/1/2005. 
Look for the MP3 symbol next to selected sermons. Right-click directly on the logo to save to your 
computer hard drive, IPod folder, or MP3 player for future listening, or click directly on the symbol to hear sermon play on your computer. Use RSS logo below to automatically subscribe (see instructions below).

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