Lael Murphy Sermons


Audiotapes of many 
of these sermons 
are available 
on request to our 
Church Administrator
or call (617)425-5152 

Sermons delivered by

Rev. Carl F. Schultz, Jr.
Others as noted

Sermons delivered by

Rev. Jennifer Mills-Knutsen (JMK), 

Katherine Layzer (KL)

& Other Guest Preachers as Noted


All  Sermons are 
 Copyrighted © 2004, 
      Old South Church and by author. 
Excerpts are permitted 
       as long as full accreditation 
       is made to Old South Church 
and to the author.
A Faith to Grow On -- A Faith to Go On
I. Jesus' Testing and Your Testing!
February 29, 2004 
Luke 4:1-13

A Faith to Grow On -- A Faith to Go On
II. The High Cost of Low Living
March 7, 2004 
Exodus 20:1-21 Mark 12:28-34

A Faith to Grow On -- A Faith to Go On
III. Tangibilitate
March 14, 2004 
Revelation 3:1-6 Luke 10:1-12, 17-20

A Faith to Grow On -- A Faith to Go On
IV. Welcome Home
March 21, 2004 
Luke 15:1-24

A Faith to Grow On -- A Faith to Go On
V. The Miracle of the Cross
March 28, 2004 
Luke 23:32-49

A Faith to Grow On -- A Faith to Go On
VI. Handling Crisis
April 4, 2004 
Luke 19:28-40

A Faith to Grow On -- A Faith to Go On
VII. A Revolutionary Easter
April 11, 2004 
Matthew 28:1-10

The Day After Pentecost
June 6, 2004
Acts 2:43-47, Matthew 28:16-20

The Da Vinci Code -- Decoded
June 13, 2004 
Luke 7:36 – 8:3

What's Behind "Left Behind?"
June 27, 2004 
Luke 21:5-11, 20-28Luke 7:36 – 8:3

When You are Caught in a Storm
September 19, 2004
Luke 16: 1-14, Mark 4:35-41

God in the Gaps
September 26, 2004 
1 Timothy 6: 6-19 Luke 16:19-31

A Vision of Community (Candidating Sermon)
October 3, 2004/Nancy S. Taylor
Matthew 7:24-29

The Power of One
October 24, 2004
Matthew 25:14-30

Hold to the Good
November 14, 2004
Galatians 6: 1-10, Luke 21: 1-19


January 18, 2004 /JMK 
Luke 8: 26-39

Barriers or Bridges
January 25, 2004 /the Rev. Dr. Kenneth Orth 
Luke 4: 14-21: I Corinthians 12: 12-31a

This is No Forty-Yard Dash
February 8, 2004 /JMK 
Luke 5: 1-11

Make Way for the Mystical
February 22, 2004 /JMK 
Luke 9: 18-36

Encountering the Living Christ
April 25, 2004 /JMK 
Acts 9:3-9, Luke 24: 13-16, 28-35

Traces of Divinity
June 20, 2004 /JMK 
Exodus 33:14-23,1 Kings 19:8-15a

Embodying Justice
July 4, 2004 /JMK 
I Corinthians 12:12-26

July 11, 2004 /the Rev. Dr. Kenneth Orth 
Luke 25:10-37 (The Good Samaritan)

Get Up, You're Rocking the Boat
July 18, 2004 /Katherine Layzer 
Colossians 1:15-28, Luke 10:38-42

There's a Lie in Belief
August 8, 2004 /JMK 
Hebrews 10:35-11:3

Those Who Bring Good News
August 15, 2004 /Patricia Hazeltine 
Isaiah 52:7-10, Matthew 28:16-20, Romans 10:14-17

Our Just Desserts
August 22, 2004 /JMK 
Luke 14:1, 7-15

Not Here, Not Now
August 29, 2004 /Katherine Layzer
Jeremiah 1:4-10, Luke 13:10-17

The Potter's Hands
September 5, 2004 /Katherine Layzer 
Jeremiah 18:1–11, Luke 14:25–33

In Exile, Joy?
October 10, 2004 /JMK 
Jeremiah 29:1,4-7, 2 Timothy 2:8-13

The Things that Make for Peace
November 28, 2004 /JMK 
Isaiah 2:1-5

In and Out with God
December 26, 2004 / Tadd Allman-Morton
Matthew 2:13-22


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