Old South sermons


Audiotapes of many 
of these sermons 
are available 
on request to our 
Reception Desk
or call (617)536-1970

NEW  AUDIO of SERMONS are now available for most Old South sermons.
Look for the MP3 symbol next to selected sermons below. Right-click directly on the logo to save to your computer hard drive, IPod folder, or MP3 player for future listening, or click directly on the symbol to hear sermon play on your computer or use RSS logo link to automatically subscribe.

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Sermons delivered by

Senior Minister Nancy S. Taylor

Sermons delivered by

Quinn G. Caldwell (QGS), Assoc. Minister

& Other Guest Preachers as Noted


All  Sermons are
Copyrighted © 2006, 
Old South Church and by author.
Excerpts are permitted 
as long as full accreditation 
is made to Old South Church 

and to the author.


Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrhmp3 file
January 8, 2006 
Rev. Nancy S. Taylor
Matthew 2: 1-12

Here I Ammp3 file
January 15, 2006 
Rev. Nancy S. Taylor
Samuel 3: 1-10

Be Not Afraid: Hope and Healing in a Time of Plaguemp3 file
January 29, 2006 
Rev. Nancy S. Taylor
Mark 3: 1-10, Deuteronomy 28: 15, 20-24

A Landscape of Faithmp3 file
February 5, 2006 
Rev. Nancy S. Taylor
Mark 1: 29-39

Be What is Next for Us?mp3 file
Presentation to 336th Annual Meeting 
(View PowerPoint Presentation -- F5 key to start slide show, spacebar to advance -- PLUS listen to MP3 file at the same time for best review.)
February 5, 2006 
Rev. Nancy S. Taylor

"Sins" Winsmp3 file
February 19, 2006 
Rev. Nancy S. Taylor
Mark 2: 1-12

For Life (the Ten Commandments)mp3 file
March 19, 2006 
Rev. Nancy S. Taylor
Exodus 20: 1-17

2006 Lenten Lecture Series
Lectures are posted at this link



Do You Want to See?mp3 file
January 1, 2006 
Rev. June Cooper, Exec. Director of City Mission Society
Isaiah 11:1-10  Luke 18: 35-43

Accused of Compassionmp3 file
January 22, 2006 
Rev. Quinn G. Caldwell
Jonah 3:1-4:4  Mark 1: 14-20

I do Choose  (sorry, no audio recording available)
February 12, 2006 
Rev. Quinn G. Caldwell 
2 Kings 5:1-14 Mark 1: 40-45 

Becoming Ourselvesmp3 file
February 26, 2006 
Marraine C. Kettell
Mark 9: 2-9

Weird Christiansmp3 file
March 5, 2006 
Rev. Quinn G. Caldwell
Mark 1: 9-15 Acts 17:1-9

There's Treasure Everywheremp3 file
March 11, 2006 
Rev. Quinn G. Caldwell
John 1: 43-51

is now available for most recent sermons. 
Look for the MP3 symbol next to selected sermons. Right-click directly on the logo to save to your 
computer hard drive, IPod folder, or MP3 player for future listening, or click directly on the symbol to hear sermon play on your computer. Use RSS logo below to automatically subscribe (see instructions below).

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Instructions on Podcasting


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Please Click Here for Sermons from 2004
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1995-1999 Please Click Here for Sermons from 1995-1999

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