Lael Murphy Sermons

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Sermons delivered by

Rev. James W. Crawford 

Sermons delivered by

Rev. Lael P. Murphy (LPM)

Rev. Jennifer Mills-Knutsen (JMK)

& Other Guest Preachers


Please Click Here to go to 2002 Sermons
Please Click Here to go to 2001 Sermons


A Hymnody of Faith, Hope and Freedom
January 16, 2000

The Joys of Ministry, or 
What I Didn't Learn at Union Seminary
January 23, 2000

Healing?  For What?
February 6, 2000

Are You  Looking for God?
February 13, 2000

Of Primaries and Presidents' Day
February 20, 2000

Who Can We Finally Trust?
March 12, 2000

Can a Church Be Great?
March 19, 2000

God Cares. Do We?
March 26, 2000

A New Perspective on Our Priorities
April 2, 2000

What are We Doing Here?
April 9, 2000

The Promise of Holy Week
April 16, 2000

Indomitable Hope
April 23, 2000

Where Place Our Ultimate Trust?
May 14, 2000

Who is Jesus Christ for us Today?
September 17, 2000

All That We Have and All That We Are
September 24, 2000

Who is Welcome?
October 1, 2000

What Will You Risk ? for Christ's Sake?
October 15, 2000

(below pending)
Arise, shine for your light has come. . .
October 29, 2000

Mixing Religion and Politics
November 5, 2000

Oh, What a Glorious Morning is This!
November 19, 2000

So! What is the World Coming To?
December 3, 2000

Clashing Priorities
December 10, 2000

Christmas is Coming!
December 17, 2000

A Lifetime's Resolution
January 2, 2000 /LPM
Luke 2: 21-39

Home By Another Way
January 9, 2000 /LPM
Matthew 2:  1-12

Christ's Life Within Us
January 30, 2000 /LPM
2 Corinthians 3: 4-6; 4: 7-15

The Company You Keep
Feburary 27, 2000 /LPM
Mark 2: 13 - 27; 23 - 28

Transforming Grace, Transfigured Lives
March 5, 2000
Psalm 121; Mark 9: 2-8*

May 7, 2000 /LPM
Luke 24: 36 - 48*

Are You Hungry?
June 4, 2000 /LPM
John 21: 1-14

Filled With New Wine
June 11, 2000 /LPM
Acts 2: 1-13

Just Who Do You Think You Are?
July 9, 2000 /LPM
Mark 6: 1-13

Sow What?
July 23, 2000 /LPM
Mark 4: 1-9; 30-33

Our Highest Ambition
August 6, 2000 /LPM
Mark 10: 35-44

Prayer Makes a Difference
August 20, 2000 /LPM
Psalm 63: 1-4; Luke 11: 1-13

Our Vision Restored
October 8, 2000 /LPM
Mark 10: 46 - 52

Finis Origine Pendet
December 3, 2000 /Elizabeth Rogers Goodman
Luke 2: 8-20


 Please Click Here for 1995 to 1999 Sermons