Here is a explanation of how to subscribe to Old South sermons automatically.Podcasting is a method of subscribing to audio content, such as the
sermons from Old South, for playback on your computer or portable MP3 device (such as an iPod). By subscribing to the Old South Sermons podcast feed, you can automatically get the latest sermon recording loaded onto your iPod or other device for listening in the car or on the T.To subscribe to the podcast, follow the steps below:
1. Get podcast software, including iTunes or other choices listed at
<>.2. Right click on the XML link (RSS Logo) and copy the address of the feed, then add it to the subscription list of your program.
3. Your program should start downloading one or more sermons from the feed automatically (depending on the software and how it is configured). The next time you run your podcast software after a new sermon is posted, you should get the new sermon downloaded automatically.
Here's an example of how to subscribe to the podcast using Apple's
iTunes:1. Make sure you have the latest version of iTunes (at least version 4.9 is needed to subscribe to podcasts): <>.
2. Start iTunes.
3. Choose "Subscribe to Podcast" from the "Advanced" menu.
4. Type the address for the feed (or copy and paste) into the URL field in the Subscribe to Podcast window and click OK: The software will switch to the list of podcasts and show you all the available sermons, and will automatically download the most recent one. You can then download additional sermons by clicking the "Get" button.
Note: Thanks to Timothy Jarrett for authoring this notes. Please let him know if there should be any corrections or additions made to these notes.
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