Meet the Old South Staff

James W. Crawford,

Senior Minister,
Minister Emeritus

After 28 years of faithful and devoted service, the Rev. Dr. James W. Crawford retired as Senior Minister of Old South Church on August 31, 2002. Together with wife, Linda Lovett Crawford (pictured above), their presence will be sorely missed at Old South for many, many years to come. What Old South Church is today is largely due to their loving service to Christ's ministry for the past three decades.

The Rev. James W. Crawford spent his early years in ministry in East Harlem, New York City, amidst the struggle for civil rights--years which have had a lasting impact on his continued commitment to proclaiming Christ in the city. He served as chair of the UCC committee which assembled The New Century Hymnal, recently published in June, 1995. A graduate of Dartmouth College, Union Theological Seminary (New York), and Andover Newton Theological School, Dr. Crawford served as Senior Pastor at Old South from 1974 to 2002. Most of his sermons from 1995 to 2002 can be found on this website and they will continue to inspire us through these coming years as we read them over and over again.

In his retirement, he continues to be active on many fronts. Currently he is writing a chapter for a book entitled, "Making Good Pastors Better" entitled "Of Liturgy and Mission", working on new texts, metaphors and language for hymns, serving as Chair of the Program Committee of the Board of Visitors at Dartmouth College, serving on the Board of Directors of the American Congregational Association and its Library Committee, as well as serving numerous other "more eclectic" associations who are luckily receiving the benefits of his new "freedom." He will also be delivering the keynote address to the Dartmouth Class of 1958 at its 45th Reunion in June of 2003. On June 1, 2003, the congregation of the Old South church, unanimously voted him the honorary title of Minister Emeritus, a lifetime title recognizing Jim's 28 years of leadership and dedication at Old South.

For several articles devoted and dedicated to James W. Crawford upon his retirement, please click here:

Old South Reporter, Summer 2002 Issue. (PDF File 1.4 Meg.)

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