1-Dec-99 Upcoming music
I went to choir practice at Temple Emeth again on Monday. We're doing two Chanukah gigs with them, if you can call them gigs, one at a nursing home in West Roxbury and one at an assisted-living place in Brookline. Besides that, I'll be performing with the klezmer band at the Newton JCC at 8 o'clock on Tuesday the 7th. It's usually more fun singing with Gennadi than with the Temple Emmanuel choir. His programs have lots of music and he's less of a perfectionist about how it sounds than Cantor Osborne is. We have, I don't know, a dozen? sixteen? pieces on the program. Several of them just have two part harmony. Others are short and up tempo, feel-good holiday songs. We just go over them each once or twice to see if they'll sound acceptable. For these concerts the point is to enjoy singing, not worry too much about musicianship. I've stopped off to look around Bullough's Pond on the way to work this week. On Monday as I was scanning for ducks a great blue heron flew out of the reeds along my side of the pond and landed halfway down the eastern side. Tuesday morning I walked past the outlet dam, looked back, and saw that a great blue was at the same place it must have flown from yesterday, in the tall grass a foot beyond the outlet dam. I had walked past within 15 feet of it. It still didn't spook when I walked back, but I was careful not to slow down nor look at it when I went back. This morning I packed a camera along, looked along the shore, and started walking towards where the heron had been on Tuesday. It was on the near side of the outlet dam and flew away before I saw it. It was a question of reaction time. I did snap the shutter before it was too far away, but it had taken three wingbeats befire I had the camera pointed at it. OK, let's see if the December style sheet is working!