23 Nov

I swam my first 24 lengths in 16:16 this morning, just for the record. I did another 8 after that, but slower, about 22:50 for the 32. I'm not in immediate danger of having to do more than 32 lengths to get in a 20 minute workout.

I parked on the far side of parking row Bet (the signsat the JCC have Hebrew letters, alef, bet, gimel) this morning, in between the two birch trees. The trees make the general location easy to spot from halfway across the parking lot. Why did it take me twelve years swimming to figure out that it's worthwhile picking a distinctive parking spot? I may have to walk a few carlengths farther, but I came for a workout anyway (I just can't understand people who come over to work out, and try to get the least possible exercise walking from their car to the front door) and the extra walk is a small price to pay for not feeling foolish wondering where the car is.

I got another CD at the book fair after swimming. This one is a ska band playing Jewish music. It's strange but fun. I left it at work and can't give you the name & details right now. There were about twenty ruddy ducks on Bullough's Pond this morning, and a pair of buffleheads. I wonder if the female was there when I saw the male the other day.

[non-programmers, skip this paragraph] I spent most of my working day debugging a program that really shouldn't have been so hard. It's just for reading and writing some funky data file, with enough variable length records to need lots of dynamic memory allocation. My test program was trying to read one of those files, copy it to another structure in memory, and write it out; but there was just one pointer after another that I hadn't initialized and that the write routine wasn't checking properly. You'd think I should know better than to do that.

Rainbow Ink
E-mail deanb@world.std.com