3-Oct-99 WUMB members concert
. I did a little more on my shirts today. The yokes are sewn to the shirt backs, and the fronts are pinned to the yoke facings. As I look at the directions, it seems as though there's nothing to it; but it still takes time, trimming seams and pressing things in between construction steps. Anyway, tonight we went to another members' concert at the U Mass/Boston radio station. This time we saw some people near an open door to the upper parking level of the library. I always figured there must be a way from the parking garage into the library, but it's never open. We asked, and found our way right in, saving a long detour through the administration building and up to the second floor catwalk level. The concert hadn't quite started when we got there. The performer was Peter Mulvey. I can't say we were enthralled. He's obviously a quite competent guitarist and was exceptionally articulate talking about his musical background and how he writes, but the songs didn't do anything for me. I think I'd enjoy reading him a lot as a music critic. In talking, he pulled together a wide variety of references to other musicians from classic folk to hard rock and They Might Be Giants; he's obviously very knowledgeable and has a good background in music theory. It's just a question of my taste and preference for songs with tunes I can sing along to. We felt no need to come home with any of his CDs.