Shopping weekend

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We spent the weekend and money, both. Saturday Anne came over and we all went out, first to yard sales around Newton, without much result except a stack of books (someone else's summer reading will turn into Arlene's fall reading.) Then we went over to Jordan's Furniture in Waltham and finally got a new mattress. I've been feeling for a year that it's been time to replace our mattress, because there are big hollows where my legs have been ending up for years now. The salesman who sold Anne her car a couple of days ago told her that she was very task-oriented, and that's what we needed to get us to buy the mattress. The salesman was very knowledgable, and Jordan's turned out to be a pleasant place to shop, with free coffee and cookies to boot.

After looking in some other places in Waltham for window treatments for Anne's apartment we went to Radio Shack to get an antenna adapter for her TV, had a quick lunch at Burger King, and went over to Cityside Subaru in Arlington to see if they had a car to replace our '87 Tercel. There actually were a couple of candidates, (I liked a white '99 Impreza Sport hatchback) but mostly Arlene got to sit in a few cars to see which gave her an acceptable view.

The bigger reason for going to Arlington was that it was the only place around here where Muppets From Space was still playing. We had time for an ice cream cone between the car dealership and the start of the movie, and a quick look inside Wood and Strings to ask if they had any advice about playing the zourna. Since they're really a guitar, banjo, mandolin kind of place, it was just luck that the clerk plays clarinet and sax and has any sympathy with reed instruments at all. There were only about 20 people in the audience at the 5:10 movie, mostly adults who were as big muppet fans as we are. We greatly enjoyed seeing the old and new characters and the good old muppet chaos.

Sunday we continued serious car shopping at Norwood Subaru (nothing, and a rookie salesman who couldn't find anything to show us) and Natick Subaru. We drove up to Natick in our year-old Forester. The salesman who had just stepped out the front door said, “You have a new car. Do you want another?” “We said, Could be. We're potential repeat customers,” and sure enough we signed a purchase & sale agreement for a '99 Impreza Sport before we left. The Forester, Anne's Civic, and the Impreza are all white; we'll have to look at the license plates to know which car is which. It's going to look like a Florida rental car lot.

Meanwhile, I worked more on the Armenia trip journal and pictures. It's not done, but the pictures are linked to the completed journal pages. If you haven't read it, most of it is ready by now. You can start with pictures or go to the journal entries proper.

Rainbow Ink